Toothpaste is a household essential, known for keeping our teeth clean and our breath fresh. But what if we told you that this everyday item has a surprising range of uses beyond oral hygiene? From cleaning and polishing to stain removal and even minor skin care, toothpaste is a secret multitasker hiding in plain sight.
Whether you're looking to soothe a bruise, brighten your fingernails, or tackle stubborn stains, this simple product can do far more than you might expect. In this article, we’ll uncover the unexpected ways toothpaste can be used around the house—proving that it deserves a spot in more than just your bathroom cabinet. Keep reading to unlock the full potential of this common yet surprisingly powerful household staple!
1. Heal a bruise

Remedy Daily
Try mixing toothpaste with lotion and applying the homemade salve to a bruise before bed. Loosely cover the bruise and rinse the area in the morning. Repeat this process until the bruise disappears (2- 3 days).
2. Treat acne

Remedy Daily
Dabbing nonwhitening toothpaste (no gels!) on a pimple in the evening will dry up the zit by the next morning.
3. Deodorize hands

Remedy Daily
If you've been cutting garlic or handling fish, you may feel desperate to rid your hands of those nasty smells. Toothpaste deodorizes hands in the same way it does your mouth.
4. Soothe a bug bite

Remedy Daily
Itchy from that nasty bug bite? Dab a drop of toothpaste on a bug bite or insect sting to soothe the itch or pain. This home remedy works for all sorts of skin ailments, from sores to blisters.
5. Clean fingernails

Remedy Daily
For shinier, stronger nails, scrub them regularly with toothpaste. If it works for your teeth, it should work for your nails too, right? Make sure to scrub both under and over the nails.
6. Shine silver and brass

Remedy Daily
You may be surprised to learn that toothpaste has applications outside the body. It can also be used to shine and buff silver and brass. Try lightly scrubbing your precious metals with a soft toothbrush treated with a dab of toothpaste. Rinse the materials thoroughly and polish with a soft cloth.
7. Clean a bathroom sink

Remedy Daily
Toothpaste functions as a natural abrasive and deodorizer, and therefor works wonders on bathroom sinks. Toothpaste is also useful in shining chrome faucets and ridding them of water stains. Simply rub in a dab of toothpaste and then rinse.
8. Make scuffs disappear

Remedy Daily
Remove scuff on leather and linoleum. For leather shoes and purses, rub the scuff with a soft cloth and rinse with a damp cloth. To clean linoleum, scrub the residue using toothpaste and a dry cloth.